Hanspeter Niederstrasser's Home Page

Not the best of pictures, but that's me.

Would you believe the University doesn't let us keep the school mascot as a pet?!?!
Currently I'm doing a major overhaul to this site. If you had access to my computer then you would be able to see my work in progress at file:///c|htmlasst/data/indexnew.html. But you don't so you can't. Just come back in a couple of weeks.
- Reconstitution of human Arp2/3 complex reveals critical roles of individual subunits in complex structure and activity. Gournier H, Goley ED, Niederstrasser H, Trinh T, Welch MD. Mol Cell 2001 Nov; 8 (5):1041-52. [PUBMED]
- XKCM1 Acts on a Single Protofilament and Requires the C Terminus of Tubulin. Niederstrasser H, Salehi-Had H, Gan EC, Walczak C, Nogales E. J Mol Biol 2002 Feb; 316 (3):817-828. [PUBMED]
- Tubulin rings: which way do they curve? Nogales E, Wang HW, Niederstrasser H. Curr Opin Struct Biol 2003 Apr; 13 (2):256-261. [PUBMED]
- Formation of a Dynamic Kinetochore-Microtubule Interface through Assembly of the Dam1 Ring Complex. Westermann S, Avila-Sakar A, Wang HW, Niederstrasser H, Wong J, Drubin DG, Nogales E, Barnes G. Mol Cell 2005 Jan; 17 (2):277-290. [PUBMED]
- Xnf7 contributes to spindle integrity through its microtubule-bundling activity. Maresca TJ, Niederstrasser H, Weis K, Heald R. Curr Biol 2005 Oct 11; 15 (19):1755-1761. [PUBMED]
- Identification of a novel inhibitory actin-capping protein binding motif in CD2-associated protein. Bruck S, Huber TB, Ingham RJ, Kim K, Niederstrasser H, Allen PM, Pawson T, Cooper JA, Shaw AS. J Biol Chem 2006 Jul 14; 281 (28):19196-203. [PUBMED]
- The role of CKIP-1 in cell morphology depends on its interaction with actin-capping protein. Canton DA, Olsten ME, Niederstrasser H, Cooper JA, Litchfield DW. J Biol Chem 2006 Nov 24; 281 (47):36347-59. [PUBMED]
- Distinct roles for CARMIL isoforms in cell migration. Liang Y, Niederstrasser H, Edwards M, Jackson CE, Cooper JA. Mol Biol Cell 2009 Dec; 20 (24):5290-305. [PUBMED]
- ZNF281 enhances cardiac reprogramming by modulating cardiac and inflammatory gene expression. Zhou H, Morales MG, Hashimoto H, Dickson ME, Song K, Ye W, Kim MS, Niederstrasser H, Wang Z, Chen B, Posner BA, Bassel-Duby R, Olson EN. Genes Dev 2017 Sep 1; 31 (17):1770-1783. [PUBMED]
- Small-molecule TFEB pathway agonists that ameliorate metabolic syndrome in mice and extend C. elegans lifespan. Wang C, Niederstrasser H, Douglas PM, Lin R, Jaramillo J, Li Y, Olswald NW, Zhou A, McMillan EA, Mendiratta S, Wang Z, Zhao T, Lin Z, Luo M, Huang G, Brekken RA, Posner BA, MacMillan JB, Gao J, White MA. Nat Commun 2017 Dec 22; 8 (1):2270. [PUBMED]
Things to look at:
The Princeton University home page.
That's where I was.
My Def Leppard Page.
White lights, strange city, rad music all around
- The Complete Star Wars WWW Listing.
Fully concise list of all Star Wars related sites on the World Wide Web
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
Defunct now for several years.
- Documents "R" Us
(with apologies to those men of 1776 and 1787)
- The New Jersey Governor's School in the Sciences 1993 (GSS '93) Home Page.
"In Bob we trust"
The Animaniacs page.
Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
- Yahoo- a guide to
the WWW. It's the best listing of Web sites I have found to date.
It's everywhere you want to be.
Remember when this was at akebono.stanford.edu?
Quotes of the Day: (or whenever I decide to change them)
Ameobas at the start
Were not complex,
They tore themselves apart,
And started sex.
Arthur Guitterman
Dei sub numine viget
God went to Princeton.
You could have reached me by snail-mail at:
432 1903 Hall
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544
But that's not going to work any more.
or click here to send me email through Netscape (easy).
Click here to send me e-mail. (needs form support, but I personally think it's nicer)

This page (like any federally funded program) is under construction, over budget, and behind schedule.
copyright 1995-2006, Snaggled Works All rights reserved
Hanspeter Niederstrasser
September 18, 1996 (I think.)